The BS of promotion…

tearing my hair out

If I had long hair it would be short by now.  Or there’d be tufts of fine hair left on my scalp.  I wonder where that expression “tearing your hair out” came from? Perhaps it’s an expression of ritual grief for the person one used to be prior to the promotion of a published book.  I have included Joe Ponepinto’s post with this week’s singing because he speaks to a relevant issue.

Since Ma’s tales were released, my writing time has honed in on the self- centered and obnoxious art of promotion.  I am not a saleswoman, not a business person but the literary world of 2013 has forced my hand.  But thank you Joe.  I had an epiphany.  I am going back to writing about aboriginal Ma’s exploits in America.  I have tossed her first tales of magic realism into the universe and the page fragments will land wherever.  I’ve had it.  I am a writer again. Thanks Joe.

Joe’s post is The Saturday Morning Post and can be found on his website at

Kaye LindenThe BS of promotion…

One Comment on ““The BS of promotion…”

  1. Joe Ponepinto

    Hi Kaye,
    I’m glad you (and so many others) found this week’s post interesting. So many writers I know find it difficult to reconcile the internal process of writing with the external chore of marketing.

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