A Brittle Peace a prose poem

  Here’s Prasanga.  He is one of two protagonists, one male and one female, in the sequel to the novel “Prasanga-the Wisdom Keepers.”  It might take me a few years to write, but who cares?  It’s on my list to complete before I die.  Too many people have emailed me asking for the sequel.  I’ve started the outline and am … Read More

Kaye LindenA Brittle Peace a prose poem

Spoof me poem

  Here are my purple Mexican Petunias after hurricane Irma slammed into Gainesville, Florida.  They stand tall despite the ravaging. I’m gathering and rewriting a collection of most of my published and unpublished pieces of flash memoir, flash stories, prose poems and a sprinkling of haiku. I need help with the title: Streaking through the World Streaking through the Mall … Read More

Kaye LindenSpoof me poem

The Rant, again.

What is a Rant? An emotionally charged diatribe expressing a strong distaste or anger or a declamatory, often pompous, assertion.  The fluidity of the prose poem lends itself to the rant. The prose poem’s organization by sentence seems a natural fit for such rambling declarations as rants.  (adapted from “An Introduction to the Prose Poem by Brian Clements and Jamey … Read More

Kaye LindenThe Rant, again.